The Owl Said Who Hoo Hooo
The Owl Said Who Hoo Hooo
Papa, a burly man whose big strong hands have seen years of hard work… someone you would think of as being most comfortable around trucks and farm equipment. Oh, but “papa” is grandfather to two little girls and they don’t mind his roughness at all! Whenever he steps in the door they run to him with giggles and soon, with very little encouragement, he folds his big body into a chair, snuggling them close. He reads stories to them with delightful expression, never conscious of any onlookers. Right then, his world is those two angels… and they know it! The mutual love is almost touchable in intensity.
Money can’t buy this love.
Power can’t create this moment.
The Source of Love has blessed us again.
12 x 18 | Oil on Canvas
Private Collection